The Dare

Author's POV

The meeting room inside the luxurious resort exudes elegance and sophistication . A long polished mahogany table dominates the centre of the room, surrounded by high-black leather chair that seems to invite comfort. The air smells rich wood and fresh sea breeze, thanks to the open balcony doors. Smoke curls from cigars and the low hum of voices is the only sound besides the clinging of the glasses. Around the table sits several men dressed sharply in tailored suit. The air is thick with tension as they engage in quit conversation, choosing their words carefully.

Devillian sits with a commanding presence, every movement deliberate exuding control and authority. H e leans back slightly in the leather chair, legs casually crossed at the ankle, one polished shoe resting over the other. His posture seems relaxed but theirs coiled tension beneath the surface- an air of control. One arm drapes over the back of the chair, Fingers idly tapping a cigar between them, while the other hand rests on the armrest, Fingers lightly curled, as if ready to spring into action.

Tony his one of the men nervously straightening his tie

"Boss, A couple of the boys ran in to some trouble at the docks. Cops sniffing around, asking questions. B..but don't worry, we got it handled."

Devillian look at with his piercing gaze and said coldly

"Handled? I don't like problems tony, you know that. You said the shipment would be smooth this time."

Tony swallowing hard

"I-I know boss. But we got some guys on the inside. they are taking care of it as we speak."

Devillian leaned forward and said with a low voice which is sharp like sting

"Make sure they do. Or it's your neck on the line."

Just then another men vinny interrupted in the middle saying eagerly in order to get on devillian's good books.

"Boss if you want i can take care of it personally. Make sure it won't happen again."

The room fell silent. Devillian's gaze shifted slowly to vinny. His eyes darkened, his jaw clenched. He didn't like being interrupted, least of all by someone who hadn't earned the right to speak freely to him. The silence grew heavy, suffocating, as everyone in the room held their breath.

Devillian speak in low and dengerous voice.. "What did you just say."

Vinny's forehead got all sweaty realizing his mistake, he stammer.."I-I was just thinking may be i can handle--"

Devillian slammed his fist on the table rattling the glasses. He leaned forward, his voice a low and cold growl, each word measured and deliberate.

"Did i ask for your opinion, vinny."

Vinny shrank back into his seat, his face pale. The other men at the table shifted uncomfortably, Avoiding devillians gaze. The tension in the room spiked.

Devillian said still glaring at vinny with icy voice.."when i speak, keep listening. When i will need advise from some lowlife like you i will let you know, until then keep your mouth shut."

The room remain dead silent, the weight of the boss's fury hanging in the air like a storm about to break. Vinny nodded quickly, his face flushed with embarrassment, muttering a hasty apology. Devillian leaned back, smoothing his suit, his face calm again but the menace still lingered in his eyes. Devillian took a long drag from his cigar, his expression unreadable. Everyone waiting for his final word.

Devillian exhale the smoke slowly..."Good now let's talk about the other matter....with the accountant."


The restaurent inside the resort buzzed with a laid-back yet intelligent energy. Sunlight filters through the large windows that overlook the sparkling blue sea. The atmosphere is a mix of luxury and comfort., with sleek wooden tables, plush chair and soft music playing in the background.

Ashleen and siana sit in the corner table near the expensive windows that frame the ocean view.

Siana is still processing about how did ashleen get them enter in to this resort it would literally cost their whole year salary.

siana shakes her head and asked.."now tell how the hell did you manage to get us in to this resort."

Ashleen giggle and flip her hair.."I won a free pass to this resort; Like, everything paid for. The room, the food, the spa treatment-everything."

Siana widened her eyes.."Wait, what..how? That's insane."

Ashleen laugh.."I entered one of those instagram contests. You know, the ones you actually thought would never actually wins. But i did. I did not even took it seriously first, then i got an email saying i had five-day stay at this place. I thought it was a scam-but nope. It was real."

Siana said in disbelief.."you lucky girl, i never win anything like this. This place is crazy expensive."

Ashleen leaning in excitement.."does not it feel like a dream."

The two girls continue the playful conversation while their laugh echoing through the soft music filled restaurent. Their drinks glister on the table.

Ashleen grinned mischievously and said while taking a sip of the expensive champagne...."Okay enough of the boring stuff. Let's make this trip a little more intresting and...spicy".

She said the last word with a whisper.

"Let's give you a dare." Ashleen said mischievously.

Siana raised her eyebrows in amusement.."A dare? What are we twelve. Alright, hit me. What's the challenge."

Ashleen leaned forward and said with a lower voice, eyes sparkling with mischief..."I dare you to kiss the last guy comes out of that door".

Siana widened her eyes and laugh nervously.."What? Are you serious? NO WAY."

Ashleen look at siana.. "I am completely serious.Besides that's look like a VIP meeting room. That mean's he would be someone rich. Come on we had this whole trip. May be in this way you find someone."

Siana look at the door upstairs and said nervously..."Ash that's insane, What if he is already with someone and think of me as a weirdo".

Ashleen said teasingly.."Oh please like anyone would say no to you. Look at you. And hey we are on a vacation-What's there to lose?it's just a kiss. You could totally pull it off".

Siana sighted and said.."Fine, You are an evil you know that. but if i do that you own me something".

Ashleen grin triumphly...Deal. Go on make your move, girl. Let's see what you have got.

Siana smile nervously.. "Alright, Here goes nothing."

With that she made her way to upstairs.


(Listen to the above song while reading this part. This goes perfect with the scene.)

Devillian leaned back on his chair. His voice is calm but firm.."Alright, so we are clear on everything. The shipment goes through monday, and i want no surprises this time".

Tony nodded his head respectfully..It's all set boss. The guys at the docks knows what to do. we got it covered.

Devillian glance around the table locking eyes with each men..."Good. Now Angelo, I want you to make sure vinny handles the collection from the casino he is been slippin" lately, And i m not gonna ask twice."

Angelo nodded quickly..Understood boss, I will take care of it.

Vinny look down hiding his pale face.The men rise from their seats, murmuring agreement, gathering their things. The tension begins to ease, but there still a heavy undercurrent of seriousness. They each exchange brief glances, respectful but wary, before turning to leave the room.

Devillian said with a smirk as the last men angelo heads to the door..."And angelo, make sure vinny knows. I don't like having the same conversation twice."

Angelo nodded quickly.."You got it boss."

The door close softly behind them, Leaving devillian alone for a moment, staring at the empty table, a satisfied but calculating look in his eyes as he lighten up another cigar. After sometime he stood the crush the cigar in the ashtray he took out his phone a dialled a number while coming out of the meeting room.

As he makes his way out of the door, his face is set in a stern expression. Just then he felt a soft lips touching his cheeks while a small hand resting on his broad shoulder. The act was quick but deliberate, her lips brushing against his beared face with mixture of sweetness and audacity. At the sudden proximity he gets a whiff of her fragrance- a blend of floral notes.

She immediately pull away and without looking back she ran away from there.

Devillian's reaction is immediate and controlled. His face remains impassive, but his eyes narrowed slightly, assessing the the back of the women with surprise and calculation. The initial surprise faded, his face quickly settles into a colder, more calculating expression. His eyes narrowed sharply and a thin tight lipped frown formed. The shift reflect a dengerous mix of irritation and the need to regain control. he assess the girl with piercing, unblinking gaze, his thoughts and feelings concealed behind the mask of controlled indifference.

His jaw tighten slightly, and a subtle barely perceptible tick might betray his displeasure.

Overall, While his face remains largely composed, the coldness in his eyes and the slight rigidity in his posture signals that the kiss has not gone unnoticed and will not be easily forgotten.

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