The invitation to darkness

Author's POV

Her heart pounded in her chest, legs moving faster than they ever had before. She ran through the hallways of the resort, the sound of her hurried footsteps echoing off the walls. She didn’t dare glance back, afraid that if she did, that dark presence she felt might swallow her whole. Her breath came in sharp gasps, her nerves tingling, as if the very air had shifted after that kiss.

When she finally reached the garden area, ashleen was waiting, practically bouncing with excitement. The lush greenery and soft twinkle of garden lights felt worlds away from the suffocating atmosphere she’d just fled.

“I can’t believe you did it!” ashleen squealed, running over, eyes wide with amusement. “You actually kissed him! Oh my God, what was it like? Was he furious? Tell me everything!”

She stopped, bending over slightly to catch her breath, her legs trembling beneath her. Ashleen's  enthusiasm only heightened the surreal nature of what she’d just done. How could she explain it? How could she tell her that it wasn’t just a silly dare? That it felt like stepping into the shadow of something far more dangerous than they ever imagined?

“I don’t… I don’t know,” siana stammered, her voice shaky. She stood up straight, rubbing her arms as if trying to chase away the coldness that lingered from being near him. “I didn’t even see his face. I just felt—” she paused, shivering as the memory of his presence washed over her again. “I felt him. His aura… it was… it was terrifying.”

Ashleen, oblivious to the gravity of what she was saying, giggled. “Terrifying? Come on, you’re just being dramatic! He was probably some rich, stuck-up guy. You should’ve seen the look on your face when you ran out of there—like you’d seen a ghost!”

“I don’t think you get it.” siana's tone was serious now, far from the playful energy of moments before. She glanced over her shoulder, half-expecting to see him appear out of the shadows. “There was something about him. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be there… like I did something really dangerous.”

Ashleen rolled her eyes. “Relax. It was just a harmless dare. He’s not going to come after you for a kiss on the cheek. Besides, how could he? He didn’t even see your face.”

But that did nothing to soothe her nerves. She crossed her arms over her chest, her thoughts racing. Ashleen was right—he hadn’t seen her face. But she felt as if he’d already marked her in some invisible way, like he would know, somehow, who she was. Her hand subconsciously reached up, brushing her fingertips across her lips where she’d kissed him.

“Let’s just go,” she muttered, her voice quieter now. She wanted to put as much distance between herself and that room as possible. “I don’t feel safe here.”

Ashleen frowned, confused by her sudden change in demeanor, but she shrugged. “Fine, fine, scaredy-cat. Let’s go get drinks or something. But you’re telling me more later, okay? I want all the juicy details.”

Siana nodded absentmindedly, but her mind was far away, replaying the moment again and again. She couldn’t shake it—the feeling that she had disturbed something dark, something that wouldn’t let go so easily. And she couldn’t help but wonder if that one brief kiss had sealed her fate in a way she couldn’t yet understand.


Devillian rests his head against the headboard, eyes closed but far from relaxed, his mind is a storm of conflicting emotions. The room is dimly lit, the shadows pooling around him like the darkness he commands. His aura is thick with menace, radiating an energy that seems to make the air heavier. Anyone who dared approach would feel the weight of his fury, though it’s an emotion he usually masters effortlessly. Not this time.

The memory of the kiss lingers like a phantom, unwanted but persistent. He can still feel the press of soft lips on his cheek, a touch so bold and intimate that it unnerves him. Who would dare? No one in their right mind would approach him like that, let alone lay a finger on him without facing severe consequences. And yet, she did. Worse still, he didn’t stop her—he couldn’t.

It wasn’t her face that haunts him, but the scent she left behind. A subtle fragrance, delicate yet potent, clings to his senses like a drug. No matter how much he tries to block it out, it creeps back, dragging with it a flood of unwanted thoughts and feelings. He’s always prided himself on control—control over his empire, over his enemies, and most importantly, over himself. But this girl, this stranger, has somehow cracked his armor.

His fists clench against the sheets. Rage simmers beneath his cool exterior, but it’s not aimed at her—it's directed inward. He despises the weakness she’s exposed in him. How could he let someone get so close, both physically and mentally? His mind races, trying to piece together who she could be, why she dared to challenge him in such an audacious way. Yet with every inhale, the scent draws him back to the sensation of her touch, stirring something within him he doesn't fully understand, something unsettling.

He opens his eyes, dark and dangerous, as if ready to crush the very air around him. The room feels suffocating, and he knows he won’t rest until he finds her. Not for revenge, not yet. First, he needs to understand why this moment refuses to leave him—and when he does, she'll either pay the price or give him the answers he craves.

For now, he allows himself a moment of stillness, but the storm inside is far from quiet.


Two days had passed since the incident, and the unease that had gripped Siana after the kiss had slowly started to fade. She was beginning to convince herself that maybe it had all been in her head—just nerves after pulling a crazy stunt. The luxurious hotel room they were staying in, with its plush carpets, marble accents, and sweeping views of the city, was a comforting distraction. The free pass they’d won had seemed like a dream come true, and they had been soaking in every moment of their stay.

Ashleen sat on the king-sized bed, flipping through a fashion magazine, while Siana lounged on a velvet armchair, sipping a glass of wine. The sunlight streaming in through the massive windows gave the room a warm, inviting glow.

“You know,” Ashleen began with a mischievous smile, “I think we’ve been living it up pretty well. Massages, rooftop pools, room service—maybe we should make this our new lifestyle. Just need to win more of these contests.”

Siana chuckled, but her laugh was a little forced. Despite the luxurious setting, something still lingered in the back of her mind, something dark and unnerving that she couldn’t quite shake. But she didn’t want to ruin the mood. “Yeah, because we’re just that lucky, right?”

Just as they were laughing, there was a knock on the door. Siana shot a questioning look at Ashleen, who shrugged and hopped off the bed to answer it. Standing in the doorway was a hotel staff member, impeccably dressed in a sleek uniform. He handed over an elegant, embossed envelope, bowing slightly as he spoke.

“Good evening, ladies. You have been personally invited to a high-profile party tonight, hosted by one of our most prestigious guests. It’s an exclusive event, and your presence has been requested. The party will be held in the grand ballroom at 8 PM. We hope to see you there.”

Ashleen’s eyes lit up as she took the envelope. “Wow, this sounds amazing! A high-profile party? And we got invited?!” She turned to Siana, who was already sitting up straighter, her curiosity piqued despite herself.

“Thank you,” Ashleen said to the staff member, who gave another polite bow and left.

The envelope was thick, with a deep black and gold design. Ashleen quickly opened it and read the invitation aloud. “We are cordially invited to an exclusive soirée. Black tie, obviously. Hosted by… well, it doesn’t say who, but they must be someone important.”

Siana felt a shiver run down her spine, though she tried to hide it. The words "prestigious guest" and "exclusive event" stirred an odd feeling in her chest, but she forced a smile when Ashleen turned to her, practically vibrating with excitement.

“This is it, Siana! This is what we’ve been waiting for—a real, high-society party. Can you imagine? Celebrities, business tycoons, maybe even some royalty! We’re going!”

Siana hesitated. “Are you sure we should go? I mean, it sounds a bit… I don’t know, strange. We don’t even know who invited us.”

Ashleen waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, come on. You’re overthinking it! This is an incredible opportunity. It’s not every day you get to rub elbows with the elite. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? It’s a party, not a mafia meeting.”

Siana’s breath caught for a second at the word “mafia,” her mind flashing back to the kiss, the dark aura, the feeling of danger that had lingered afterward. She hadn’t told Ashleen everything—not how deeply unsettled she’d been or how real the darkness around that man had felt. But she pushed the thought away, trying not to be irrational.

“Okay,” she finally said, forcing her doubts down. “Let’s go. Maybe it’ll be fun.”

“That’s the spirit!” Ashleen beamed, already mentally picking out outfits in her head. “We’ll get dressed up, have some drinks, and who knows—maybe you’ll meet some mysterious millionaire who sweeps you off your feet!”

Siana tried to laugh at the joke, but the feeling in her gut wouldn’t go away. Something about the invitation felt… off. But Ashleen’s excitement was infectious, and soon enough, they were both diving into their suitcases, pulling out glamorous dresses and talking about what the night might bring.

As they dressed, the sun began to set, casting the room in shades of gold and pink. The grand ballroom awaited them, filled with power, wealth, and secrets they were not prepared to face. Unbeknownst to Siana, tonight was the night her life would change—entangled with a man she’d only brushed against in the shadows, but one whose dark presence would soon come to claim her in ways she couldn’t yet imagine.

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