The sealed fate

Siana sat next to Ashleen, her fingers nervously tapping the edge of her champagne glass. The luxurious ambiance of the ballroom, with its glittering chandeliers and soft music, barely registered in her mind. Her thoughts were still spinning, stuck on that brief, yet intense, encounter she had just had in the corridor.

  Ashleen, as usual, was practically buzzing with excitement. “I mean, can you imagine if we win the ten million dollars?” she gushed, practically bouncing in her seat. “What would we even do with all that money? I could finally get that trip to Bali we’ve always dreamed of—or maybe I’d just buy an entire villa there, who knows!”

  But Siana wasn’t listening. She was too distracted, too unsettled by what had just happened. The memory of Devillian’s cold, piercing eyes and the powerful grip he’d had on her still lingered in the back of her mind. The intensity of it was impossible to shake off, as if his presence had left a mark on her, even though the moment had been brief. And that scent… the same intoxicating fragrance she knew had caught his attention.

  “Siana?” Ashleen’s voice broke through her daze, snapping her back to reality. She turned to see her friend staring at her, concern etched across her face. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve been zoning out for the last five minutes. What’s going on?”

  Siana blinked, trying to shake off the weird tension in her chest. “I’m fine,” she said quickly, but the look on Ashleen’s face told her that excuse wasn’t going to fly. With a sigh, Siana finally admitted, “It’s just… I ran into someone in the corridor earlier.”

  Ashleen raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. “Oh? Who?”

  Siana hesitated, her heart skipping a beat as she recalled the moment. “Devillian,” she said, almost in a whisper.

  Ashleen’s eyes went wide, her excitement instantly doubling. “What?! You mean the Devillian Giordano?” She practically shrieked, grabbing Siana’s arm. “The guy who’s running this entire party? The super hot, super rich, super powerful businessman that everyone is terrified of? That Devillian?!”

  Siana winced at her friend’s enthusiasm but nodded. “Yeah. I literally walked into him—like, full-on collision. I almost fell, but he caught me.”

  Ashleen gasped, her eyes going as wide as saucers. “Oh my God, Siana! You got caught by him?! Do you know how many people would kill to be in that position? I mean, he’s like… he’s like gorgeous and mysterious and, well, powerful. And you just casually ran into him? What was it like? Was he super intense? Did he say anything to you?”

  Siana bit her lip, trying to piece together the strange feelings still swirling inside her. “Yeah… intense is one way to put it. He’s not just gorgeous, Ash. There’s something about him that’s—different. It’s like he has this aura that fills up the entire space around him, like you can’t breathe right when you’re near him. It was kind of terrifying, actually.”

  Ashleen shook her head in disbelief, still awestruck. “Girl, you have no idea what kind of fairytale you’re living in right now. A man like him noticing you? That’s like… that’s the stuff of romance novels. Dark, mysterious billionaire vibes—hello?”

  Siana let out a nervous laugh, shaking her head. “It didn’t feel like a fairytale. It felt… unsettling. Like I shouldn’t have been near him at all.”

  Ashleen rolled her eyes, brushing off the concern. “Oh, please. You’re overthinking it. He’s just a super-hot, super-rich guy who probably gets stared at all the time. If anything, he’s the one who should be honored to have you bump into him.”

  Siana smiled faintly, trying to match Ashleen’s lightheartedness, but the truth was, she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling gnawing at her. Something about that brief encounter with Devillian had rattled her in ways she couldn’t explain. His touch, his stare—it felt like a door had been opened that she wasn’t ready to walk through.

  But Ashleen, being Ashleen, was already planning something grand. “You know what? If we do win tonight, I’m going to go up to Devillian myself and thank him for hosting such an amazing party. Maybe we’ll even get an invite to one of his exclusive business events! Can you imagine?”

  Siana forced a laugh, but deep down, the thought of seeing him again sent a shiver down her spine. What did I get myself into? she wondered silently.

  As the anchor took the stage once again, microphone in hand, the room fell into a hushed anticipation. The soft murmurs of the crowd died down, and all eyes turned toward him. His voice echoed throughout the ballroom, confident and charismatic.

  "Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for,” the anchor said with a dramatic pause, building the tension. “It’s time to announce the winner of the 'Face of the Night,' who will take home the grand prize of ten million dollars!"

  Ashleen was practically vibrating with excitement, sitting on the edge of her seat. She was beaming, her eyes twinkling as she nudged Siana. “This is it! I just know we’re going to win. Can you imagine what we could do with ten million dollars?”

  But Siana wasn’t paying attention. Her mind was still clouded by thoughts of Devillian—the cold, unreadable expression in his eyes, the brief but intense moment of contact. She could still feel the weight of his hand on her waist, his presence looming over her like a shadow she couldn’t escape. The memory of it clung to her, unsettling her in a way she couldn’t quite understand.

  The anchor’s voice cut through her thoughts. “And the winner, the one who has been chosen as the Face of the Night, is… Siana Aydin!”

  Siana blinked, her heart skipping a beat as her name echoed through the grand ballroom. She stared blankly at the stage, completely stunned, unable to process what she had just heard. Me? Her mind raced. It didn’t make any sense. There were so many people there—people who seemed more deserving, more glamorous. She hadn’t even wanted to participate. How could she have won?

  Ashleen gasped loudly, her jaw dropping as she turned to Siana, her face a mixture of shock and pure elation. “Oh my God, Siana! You won! I can’t believe it—you’re the face of the night!” She practically grabbed Siana’s arm, shaking her with excitement. “This is insane! I’m so happy for you!”

  Siana blinked again, still in disbelief. “W-What? I… I won?” Her voice was barely a whisper, as if saying the words would make it all the more real.

  Ashleen nodded enthusiastically, her happiness overflowing. “Yes! You! You won the ten million dollars! Girl, this is unreal!” Even though Ashleen had been dreaming about winning, there wasn’t an ounce of jealousy in her tone—just pure joy for her friend.

  Siana’s heart raced as she stood, her legs feeling like jelly as the crowd erupted in applause. People turned to look at her, clapping and smiling, but all she could feel was an overwhelming sense of shock. She hadn’t expected this. She hadn’t wanted this. And yet, here she was—thrust into the spotlight in front of all these strangers, her mind still caught in the haze of her earlier encounter with Devillian.

  She walked slowly toward the stage, feeling as though she were in a dream, each step surreal. Ashleen squeezed her arm reassuringly before letting her go, her smile wide as she watched Siana make her way to the front. But Siana couldn’t shake the eerie feeling building in her chest, as if something far bigger than the prize was lurking just beneath the surface of the evening.

  As she reached the stage, the anchor greeted her with a beaming smile, offering her the microphone and gesturing toward the crowd. Siana looked out at the sea of faces, still unable to comprehend how she had ended up in this position. She felt the weight of eyes on her, but none more intense than a single gaze she couldn’t see but knew was there.

  Devillian Giordano.

  She hadn’t spotted him in the crowd, but she could feel his presence. It was as though the air had shifted the moment her name was called, and she couldn’t shake the sensation that his eyes were on her, watching, waiting.

  The applause grew louder, and the anchor’s voice boomed once again. “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give another round of applause for our winner, Siana Aydin, the Face of the Night!”

  But Siana’s heart was pounding too hard to enjoy the moment. All she could think was that this victory was far more complicated than it seemed. She smiled politely, nodded at the crowd, but inside, she felt like she was on the edge of something dangerous—something she didn’t understand yet.

As Siana descended the stage, her legs still shaky from the shock of it all, the applause still ringing in her ears, she was immediately approached by a man. He looked to be in his early fifties, with a sharp, tailored suit and a warm, polished smile that put her at ease. His gray hair was slicked back, and his demeanor exuded professionalism and charm.

"Miss Aydin," he greeted her politely, extending his hand. "Congratulations on your win. You were truly the star of the night."

Siana smiled, still a little dazed, and shook his hand. "Thank you. I—this is all a bit overwhelming."

The man chuckled, a twinkle of understanding in his eyes. “It’s perfectly natural. Winning something like this can be quite a whirlwind, I imagine. Allow me to introduce myself—I’m Charles Langston, the CEO of Bellezza, one of the country’s most renowned perfume brands.”

Siana blinked, surprised. She had heard of Bellezza. It was a luxury brand, known for its elegance and prestige, and its advertisements were always graced by the most beautiful and famous faces.

“Bellezza?” she repeated, trying to process the connection.

Charles smiled wider, clearly enjoying the moment. “Yes, indeed. And as the winner of tonight’s competition, you’ve been granted a remarkable opportunity. We would love for you to become the brand ambassador for our upcoming line. It’s an incredibly prestigious role, as you might imagine, and I think your win tonight has proven that you are the perfect fit.”

For a moment, Siana forgot about everything that had been weighing on her—the unnerving feeling from her encounter with Devillian, the tension she’d been carrying all night. This news, this offer, was beyond anything she could have imagined. To represent one of the most famous perfume brands in the country? It felt surreal.

Her eyes widened as she processed the words. "Brand ambassador? Me?"

Charles nodded, his smile warm and encouraging. “Yes, you. We believe you have the grace, charm, and elegance that our brand embodies. It’s a rare opportunity, Miss Aydin, and one that could open many doors for you. Of course, we’ll discuss all the details later, but for now, just know that we’re thrilled to have you on board.”

Siana’s heart fluttered. The idea of becoming the face of such a prestigious brand made her forget all the unease she had been feeling. For the first time that evening, her worries faded into the background, and a sense of excitement took over.

“This is... incredible,” she murmured, her face lighting up. “I don’t know what to say.”

“There’s no need to say anything right now,” Charles said kindly. “Just enjoy the moment. You’ve earned it. We’ll be in touch soon with more information.”

Siana nodded, still in disbelief. As Charles excused himself and melted back into the crowd, she stood there for a moment, letting the reality of what had just happened sink in. She felt a rush of excitement—pure, uncomplicated excitement. Becoming a brand ambassador for Bellezza was more than she could have dreamed.

For those few minutes, the dark aura that had been haunting her lifted, and all the worries about Devillian and the unsettling tension she had been feeling seemed to vanish. It was just her and the exhilarating prospect of a life-changing opportunity.


Charles Langston stood before Devillian, his posture straight, his face carefully composed into a professional smile. But beneath that polished exterior, a slight tremor betrayed his nerves. The man was no stranger to powerful figures, but there was something about Devillian’s presence that made even the most seasoned professionals uneasy. The room around them felt heavy with the weight of Devillian’s aura—dark, commanding, and impossible to ignore.

He cleared his throat softly before speaking, his voice steady but respectful, as though carefully navigating each word. “Mr. Giordano,” Charles began, his gaze lowering for a moment out of instinctive deference, “the work is done, just as you requested.”

Devillian, seated in the shadowed corner of the room, swirled the whiskey in his glass, his eyes dark and unreadable as he watched the liquid move. For a moment, he said nothing, letting the tension in the room stretch to the breaking point. When he finally spoke, his voice was low, measured, with an edge of cold authority that made Charles swallow hard.

“And the girl?” Devillian’s words came out like a subtle threat, though his tone remained calm. He wasn’t looking at Charles anymore, his gaze fixed on the amber liquid in his glass. The same girl who had unknowingly kissed him days ago now carried his scent in more ways than one—both figuratively, as the Face of the Night, and literally, with the perfume brand she was about to represent.

Charles nodded quickly, trying to keep his smile intact. “Yes, Siana Matthews has been made the face of Bellezza, just as you instructed. The announcement was well-received, and she accepted the role with enthusiasm. Everything is proceeding exactly as planned.”

Devillian’s eyes finally shifted from his glass to Charles, the intensity of his gaze making the older man’s stomach churn. “Good,” Devillian said simply, though the weight behind that single word was palpable. His fingers tightened around his glass for a brief moment before he set it down on the table beside him.

Charles, sensing the conversation was over, inclined his head respectfully. “If there’s anything else you need, sir, I’ll be at your disposal.”

Devillian didn’t respond, his attention already drifting away as his mind began to churn with thoughts of Siana. Charles took that as his cue to leave, quietly stepping back before turning to exit the room. His professional demeanor remained intact until he was out of sight, where he let out a slow, steadying breath.

Back in the room, Devillian leaned back in his chair, the weight of his dark thoughts consuming him.

Devillian stood in the shadows, his gaze fixed on Siana as she talked animatedly with Ashleen. Her face lit up with pure joy, her smile wide and genuine as she gushed about the offer she had just received. She looked so carefree, so untouched by the darkness that surrounded him. There was something about the way she smiled that stirred something deep within him—something he didn’t recognize and hated with a passion.

He clenched his jaw tightly, his hands balling into fists at his sides. Why does this girl get under my skin? The question churned in his mind, but no answer came. He prided himself on control, on never letting anything—or anyone—affect him. He was a man of authority, a man who ruled with power and fear. No one crossed his path without feeling the weight of his presence. And yet, this girl... this ordinary girl, had somehow shaken his foundation.

His chest tightened in irritation, the unknown sensation gnawing at him. He wasn’t used to this—this unsettling feeling that something or someone could influence him so easily. And what was worse was that it wasn’t even anything she was doing intentionally. She was just standing there, laughing with her friend, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing inside him.

I hate this, he thought, his eyes narrowing as he continued to watch her. He hated the way her presence had affected him since that night. Ever since she kissed him on the cheek—without even knowing who he was—something in him had shifted, and he resented it deeply. He had tried to bury the memory, push it out of his mind, but every time he caught even a hint of her scent, that same intoxicating fragrance, it brought it all flooding back. He wasn’t a man who was easily swayed, but somehow, she had managed to make a crack in the walls he had built so carefully.

Devillian’s jaw clenched harder, his eyes darkening. He couldn’t afford to lose control—not over something so trivial. He was the one who dictated what happened around him, and he refused to let this feeling—this weakness—consume him. He wasn’t like other men who could be swayed by a pretty face or a soft smile. He was different. Stronger.

And yet, as he continued to stare at her, he felt that nagging pull deep inside, that unexplainable sensation that made his blood boil with both frustration and something far more dangerous. He couldn’t let this go on. He couldn’t allow her to have this power over him.

I’ll put an end to this, he vowed silently, the coldness returning to his gaze. Whatever this was, it wouldn’t last. He would regain control, and she—Siana Aydin—would be nothing more than a pawn in his world.

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