A deal with the devil

Author's POV

In the heart of the city, towering above the streets in his opulent skyscraper, Devillian sat at the head of a polished mahogany table, his cold gaze sweeping over the men seated around him. The room exuded luxury-crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and floor-to-ceiling windows offering a view of the sprawling city below. But beneath the surface of wealth and elegance, a darker current ran through the air.

The men across from him were some of the most powerful figures in the underground world, and while their tailored suits and polished shoes spoke of business, the tension in the room was undeniable. They weren't here for legitimate deals-they were here for something far more insidious.

Devillian leaned back in his chair, one hand casually swirling a glass of whiskey while the other rested on the table. His expression was unreadable, his aura commanding the room in a way that made everyone present feel on edge. He had a reputation-cold, ruthless, and calculating-and they knew better than to let their guard down around him.

"So," Devillian began, his voice low and smooth, carrying the weight of authority, "you're ready to move forward with our arrangement?"

One of the men, a burly figure with tattoos snaking up his neck, nodded, though his voice carried a hint of hesitation. "Yes, Mr. Giordano. We've got everything in place. The money will be laundered through the real estate investments and funneled into legitimate business ventures. No one will be able to trace it back."

Devillian's lips curled into a faint, humorless smile. "Good. That's exactly what I expect." His eyes flickered toward another man at the table, one of the financiers. "And the offshore accounts?"

The man shifted nervously, clearing his throat before speaking. "Already set up. The funds will flow seamlessly between accounts, with no paper trail. On the surface, everything will look clean."

Devillian nodded, seemingly pleased, though his satisfaction was always laced with a sense of danger. "Perfect." He leaned forward, setting his glass down with a quiet clink against the table. "Gentlemen, you know how this works. I keep you protected. Your businesses thrive. But remember-if anything goes wrong, if anyone draws unwanted attention, you'll answer to me."

His tone was calm, almost casual, but the underlying threat was unmistakable. The room fell into an uneasy silence as the men exchanged glances. They knew Devillian's reach was long, his wrath unforgiving.

Devillian, sensing their fear, leaned back again, his fingers tapping lightly on the armrest of his chair. "I don't like messes. Keep everything clean, and we'll all come out on top."

The deal was set. His black money, generated from countless illicit activities, would be washed clean through a series of intricate schemes. Real estate investments, shell companies, and offshore accounts-all carefully crafted to make millions look as pristine as freshly laundered linen. Devillian had done it a hundred times before, and each time, it had been flawless.

The men nodded in agreement, rising from their seats one by one. "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Giordano," one of them said with a nervous smile, extending a hand.

Devillian took it, his grip firm but brief. "Likewise. Don't disappoint me."

As they left, Devillian remained seated, his mind already moving beyond the deal. The money was important, of course, but there were other things occupying his thoughts. Namely, the girl who had entered his world so unexpectedly-Siana. She was connected to this life now, whether she knew it or not. And Devillian wasn't one to leave loose ends.

With the deal done and the money flowing, his next move was already in motion.


Siana paced back and forth in her room, her excitement palpable as she held the phone to her ear. Her voice was filled with enthusiasm, a huge smile lighting up her face as she spoke to her father.

"Dad, you won't believe it! I've been chosen to be the brand ambassador for Bellezza! Can you imagine? It's one of the biggest perfume brands in the country!" Siana's voice bubbled with joy, her eyes shining as she shared the news.

On the other end of the line, her father chuckled warmly, the pride in his voice evident. "Siana, that's incredible! My little girl, the face of such a prestigious brand? You must be over the moon right now."

"I am, Dad! It's like a dream. I mean, I never expected any of this. I didn't even think I would win that competition, and now this!" She twirled around, unable to contain her excitement. "This could open so many doors for me."

Her father's voice softened with affection. "You've worked hard, sweetheart. You deserve this. I'm so proud of you, Siana. You've always had that spark, and now the world is seeing it, too."

Siana's heart swelled with warmth, hearing the pride in her father's words. "Thank you, Dad. It means everything to me that you're proud. I just-everything's happening so fast. It feels like a whirlwind."

Her father chuckled again. "That's life, kiddo. Sometimes, the best things come when you least expect them. Just stay grounded, okay? Remember who you are, and don't let the glamour sweep you away."

"I won't, Dad, I promise." Siana smiled, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over her. No matter what, she always had her father's unwavering support. "I wish you were here to celebrate with me."

"Me too, Siana. But we'll celebrate when you get back, alright? Just know I'm cheering for you from here."

Siana grinned, her heart full. "I love you, Dad. Thanks for always believing in me."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Now go knock 'em dead. Show them who Siana Audin is."

With a final laugh and a few more exchanges, Siana hung up the phone, still riding the high of excitement. For a brief moment, all the strange feelings she had experienced earlier seemed distant. All that mattered was that she had made her father proud, and that alone gave her strength.

Unbeknownst to her, the path ahead was far more complicated than she realized, but for now, she allowed herself to bask in the joy of the moment.


Siana's heart pounded as she and Ashleen stepped into the luxurious office of Bellezza's headquarters. The excitement between them was electric, buzzing with disbelief as they passed countless celebrities-faces they had only seen on television and magazine covers. Ashleen was practically floating, her eyes wide with awe. Siana, on the other hand, was filled with a mixture of excitement and nerves, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of the moment.

"I can't believe we're really here!" Ashleen whispered, clutching Siana's arm with enthusiasm. "Look at all these people! We're among legends!"

Siana smiled, though a part of her was still processing the fact that she was about to sign a contract to become the face of one of the most famous perfume brands in the country. It felt like something out of a dream-surreal and dizzying all at once. She tried to focus on Ashleen's excited chatter, but her mind kept racing.

They were soon approached by Charles Langston's secretary, a composed woman with a clipboard in hand. "Miss Aydin, Miss Ashleen, Mr. Langston is ready for you."

As they were led into Charles Langston's office, both girls were greeted with a warm smile from the CEO himself. He gestured for them to sit, his demeanor professional and welcoming, but Siana could feel the weight of the moment bearing down on her. After some pleasantries and an official rundown of the contract, Siana finally signed the dotted line, officially becoming the brand ambassador for Bellezza. Ashleen clapped her hands excitedly, her smile beaming.

"This is unbelievable!" Ashleen gushed, her energy contagious. "You did it, Siana!"

Siana let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding, her fingers tingling as the weight of her decision settled. She couldn't believe it was real. "Yeah, I did," she whispered, still in awe of it all.

Charles closed the folder with a pleased nod. "Congratulations, Miss Aydin. You're now officially part of the Bellezza family." He paused for a moment, and a knowing smile tugged at his lips. "Now, I'd like to introduce you to the owner of Bellezza. I'm sure you're curious to meet the man behind the brand."

Siana and Ashleen exchanged curious glances. The owner? The intrigue deepened as Charles stood up and gestured for them to follow him. They ascended to the top floor, a level that was more lavish than anything they had seen before. Siana's nerves buzzed even more intensely, though she couldn't explain why. Something about the air up here felt different-heavier, more charged with energy.

As they walked down the hall and reached a grand office, the door swung open to reveal a man seated with his back facing them, his broad, muscular frame commanding attention even from across the room. The air felt thick, and Siana's stomach twisted with an uneasy feeling she couldn't shake. That dark aura... It was familiar.

Charles cleared his throat, stepping aside to introduce them. "Mr. Giordano, may I present Miss Siana Aydin, the new face of Bellezza, and her friend, Miss Ashleen."

The man slowly turned around, his movements deliberate, controlled. Siana's breath caught in her throat, her heart stopping for a moment.

It was him. Devillian Giordano.

The very same man she had collided with in the corridor. The same man who had haunted her thoughts with his chilling, overpowering presence. His cold, dark eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that made her feel as though the ground beneath her had shifted. Her entire body tensed, a shiver running down her spine as her mind raced, trying to process the realization.

Ashleen, oblivious to Siana's internal panic, gasped quietly. "Oh my God, Siana. It's him. Mr. Greek God!"

But Siana could barely hear her. All she could focus on was the dark, piercing gaze of the man before her.

Devillian's lips curved into a slow, almost predatory smile as he looked at her, his gaze lingering with a knowing glint. "Miss Aydin," he said smoothly, his voice low and commanding. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you... officially."

Siana's heart pounded in her chest, her pulse racing as she struggled to form words. She couldn't shake the feeling that her life had just taken a irreversible turn.

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