A dengerous stirring

Author's POV

Siana stood frozen, her mind still whirling in disbelief as she tried to process the man standing in front of her. Devillian Giordano. The same man she had collided with days ago, whose presence had lingered in her mind ever since. Now, he was right in front of her, the owner of Bellezza—the very brand she had just signed on to represent. The chilling sense of familiarity mixed with the power he exuded made her heart race.

Beside her, Ashleen was practically swooning, her eyes glued to Devillian like he was a god descending from the heavens. Completely unaware of the tension filling Siana’s chest, Ashleen gave her a playful nudge, snapping her out of her daze. “Siana, shake his hand!” Ashleen whispered excitedly, her voice barely containing her glee. "He's like a Greek god!"

Siana blinked, momentarily caught off guard, and then quickly tried to regain her composure. Professionalism, she reminded herself. No matter how intimidating or unnerving this moment felt, she had to keep it together. Pushing aside the torrent of thoughts racing through her mind, she extended her hand toward Devillian, though the hesitation in her movement was undeniable.

Devillian’s eyes flickered briefly to her hand before taking it in his own. His grip was firm, controlled, and the brief contact sent a jolt through her. He nodded once, his face impassive, yet his dark, intense eyes seemed to pierce right through her. Even though his expression remained unreadable, Siana could feel the weight of his presence. His aura was overwhelming—cold, authoritative, and undeniably powerful.

Siana forced herself to meet his gaze, determined not to falter under the pressure. She had to maintain her professionalism, even as her mind screamed at her to run. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Giordano,” she managed, her voice steady, though her heart continued to pound in her chest.

Devillian didn’t smile, as expected. He rarely did. But there was something in the way he looked at her—a quiet intensity that made her skin prickle. “The pleasure is mine, Miss Aydin,” he replied, his voice deep and smooth, though there was an edge to it that made her shiver.

Their handshake lingered for a second longer than necessary, his eyes locked onto hers the entire time. Siana quickly withdrew her hand, trying to compose herself as Ashleen practically beamed beside her, entirely oblivious to the tension between them.

“I told you this would be incredible,” Ashleen whispered excitedly in her ear, her excitement radiating as she continued to admire Devillian. “I mean, seriously, Siana—he’s beyond gorgeous. And you’re now working with him! Can you even believe it?”

Siana forced a smile, though her mind was far from the starstruck wonderland Ashleen was living in.


Siana sat at a small table in the café attached to the headquarters of Bellezza, her hands wrapped around a warm cup of coffee. The café was sleek and modern, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a stunning view of the city below. Despite the upscale surroundings, Siana couldn’t shake the unease that had settled in her chest after meeting Devillian Giordano.

Across from her, Ashleen was in her own world, practically glowing as she continued to gush about Devillian. “I mean, Siana, did you see the way he looked? He’s the kind of man who should only exist in dreams, right? That jawline, those eyes—he’s like a living statue. And the power he has? Ugh, it’s like out of a fantasy novel!”

Siana gave a small nod, taking a sip of her coffee, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn’t stop replaying the handshake in her head—the intensity of his gaze, the way his presence had made her skin crawl. Something about it all felt... off.

Ashleen, too absorbed in her daydreams about Devillian, didn’t notice Siana’s silence at first. She continued on, practically sighing, “I can’t believe you’re going to be working with him, seeing him all the time. How lucky can you get?”

Finally, Ashleen paused long enough to notice Siana’s distant expression. She leaned forward, her smile faltering. “Hey, Siana... what’s up? You’ve been super quiet since the meeting. You’re not still nervous about the whole brand ambassador thing, are you?” she asked, her tone softening with genuine concern.

Siana blinked, snapping out of her thoughts. She hesitated for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “I don’t know, Ashleen. Something about this whole thing... it just feels strange. Ever since I met him—Devillian—I’ve had this weird feeling in my gut. Like there’s more going on than we realize.”

Ashleen frowned, tilting her head. “What do you mean? You think he’s dangerous or something? He’s just a businessman, right? Sure, he’s intense, but come on—he’s filthy rich, super successful, and he runs one of the most luxurious brands in the world. I think you’re just overthinking it.”

Siana shook her head, trying to put her thoughts into words. “It’s not just that. It’s the way he looks at me... like he knows something. And his presence—it’s so... cold. I can’t explain it. Ever since I bumped into him at the party, I haven’t been able to shake this feeling that something isn’t right.”

Ashleen leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as she studied her friend. “You’ve definitely been on edge ever since that night,” she admitted. “But Siana, maybe you’re just spooked because everything’s happening so fast. It’s a huge opportunity, and you’ve been thrown into the deep end with all these high-profile people. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed.”

Siana chewed her lip, unsure. “Maybe... but still, there’s something about him, Ashleen. Something dark.”

Ashleen reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on Siana’s arm. “Look, I get it. He’s got that whole mysterious, brooding vibe going on, and yeah, maybe it’s intimidating. But try not to let it get to you. You’re here because you earned it, okay? You’re the face of a huge brand now. Don’t let anything—or anyone—make you feel like you don’t belong.”

Siana smiled, though the unease still lingered in the back of her mind. “You’re right. I’m probably overthinking it.”

Ashleen grinned, lightening the mood. “Exactly! Now, let’s focus on the good stuff—like how you’re going to be in every major ad campaign! And maybe—just maybe—you’ll get to see Mr. Greek God more often,” she teased with a playful wink.

Siana laughed softly, appreciating Ashleen’s attempt to cheer her up. But even as they continued to talk, the weight of Devillian’s presence stayed with her, a shadow she couldn’t quite shake.


As Siana and Ashleen stepped out of the luxurious Bellezza headquarters, the contrast between the opulence inside and the harsh reality of the outside world hit Siana hard. The busy street outside was bustling with people, but her attention was drawn to a group of small children huddled near the curb, their clothes tattered, their faces smudged with dirt. They were begging, holding out their hands to strangers who passed by without a second glance.

Siana's heart sank. These kids should be running around in parks, laughing, playing, and enjoying the innocence of childhood. But instead, they were struggling to survive, forced to beg for scraps at an age when they should have been carefree.

Without thinking, Siana stepped forward, her feet carrying her toward the children. Ashleen, who had been chatting about something, paused and looked at her friend curiously. “Siana, where are you going?”

Siana didn’t answer, her focus entirely on the kids. She knelt down beside them, her eyes softening as she gently stroked the heads of the smallest two. “Are you okay?” she asked softly, though she already knew the answer.

The children looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes, and one of them, a little boy no older than six, shook his head. “We’re hungry, miss,” he said quietly, his voice barely a whisper.

Siana felt a lump form in her throat. “Wait here,” she told them, rising to her feet and walking briskly toward a small bakery nearby. Ashleen, still catching up, followed her.

Inside the bakery, Siana quickly bought a box of fresh pastries, her mind racing with thoughts of the kids’ plight. She couldn’t fix everything, but she could at least make sure they had something to eat for today. When she returned to the street, she handed the box to the children, kneeling down again to meet their eyes.

“Here, these are for you,” she said, her voice kind and warm. “Eat as much as you want.”

The children’s faces lit up with gratitude as they eagerly opened the box, their small hands reaching for the pastries. Siana watched them for a moment, her heart swelling with both sadness and a quiet sense of fulfillment. She had grown up with enough, never having to worry about food or shelter, and seeing these children in such a state broke her heart.

Ashleen stood beside her, quieter than usual. “That was really kind of you, Siana,” she said softly, her usual bubbly energy subdued by the scene in front of them.

Siana sighed, her eyes never leaving the children as they ate. “It’s just... they’re so young, Ashleen. At this age, they should be playing, going to school, enjoying life. But instead, they’re out here, begging. It’s not fair.”

Ashleen nodded, her expression thoughtful. “No, it’s not. The world can be pretty cruel sometimes.”

Siana looked at her friend, her voice firm. “We have so much, Ashleen. Opportunities, a future. And they have nothing. I just wish there was more I could do.”

Ashleen placed a hand on Siana’s shoulder. “You can’t fix everything, Siana. But what you did today—it matters. Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.”

Siana smiled faintly, watching the children smile as they shared the pastries. “I hope so.”


From his office window, Devillian Giordano observed everything with his sharp, unyielding gaze. The powerful glass walls of his office framed the scene below, but his focus wasn’t on the bustling streets or the high-profile dealings of the city. No, his eyes were locked onto her—Siana.

He watched as she knelt beside the children, her expression soft and full of compassion. Her fingers gently stroked the heads of the young beggars, and her concern for them was written plainly across her face. There was something about the way she moved, her every action so genuine, so untainted by the cruelty of the world. He noticed the way her lips curved into a tender smile as the children ate the pastries she had bought for them, her entire being radiating warmth.

From his vantage point, Devillian could see everything. But it wasn’t just what she did that captivated him—it was the way she did it. She was an enigma to him. In his world, kindness was a tool, used sparingly and strategically, often as a mask for ulterior motives. Yet Siana… she seemed untouched by that darkness. Her heart was pure in a way that made his own chest tighten, an unfamiliar and dangerous feeling stirring deep within him.

Her smile, that simple, sincere smile, was like a light in the darkness—a light he hadn’t known existed, much less allowed himself to get close to. It was a smile that could breathe life into the dead, a smile that could make even someone like him feel… something.

Devillian’s jaw tightened as he leaned back slightly, his cold, calculating eyes never leaving her face. His mind raced, trying to comprehend the growing pull he felt toward her, this inexplicable need to understand someone so different from the world he knew. She was so pure, so innocent, completely unaware of the shadows that followed his every step. He couldn’t fathom how someone like her could exist so freely, untouched by the darkness that clung to him.

And yet, the more he watched her, the more that dangerous feeling continued to grow. It was unfamiliar and unsettling, like a seed of chaos taking root inside him. She was nothing like the people he dealt with—no manipulations, no games, just… pure goodness.

As he watched Siana, a single word slipped from his lips, so soft it was barely a whisper: “Giglio.”

The word hung in the air, a dangerous confession of the flower that had begun to bloom inside him—fragile yet undeniable. "Giglio"—the Italian word for "lily," a symbol of purity and innocence. It was a dangerous feeling to have for someone like him. He knew it. Yet, even as he told himself to look away, to bury the unfamiliar sensation, his eyes remained locked on her, as though drawn by something far beyond his control.

Devillian Giordano, the feared man- the viper, was not a man easily moved. But in that moment, as he watched Siana smile in the midst of her act of kindness, he realized that this woman, with her purity and light, had begun to unsettle something deep within him—a storm he was not prepared to face.

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