A friend

Devillian sat in his private study, the dim light casting shadows across the room. His sharp, focused eyes scanned the document in his hand, reading each word with an intensity that few could match. Business was his life, and he ruled it with an iron fist. Hungry for power, he had clawed his way to the top, but no matter how much control or wealth he amassed, it never seemed to be enough. The hunger was insatiable.

Suddenly, the door swung open without a knock, and a man casually strode in, making his way to the chair opposite Devillian. He sat down, completely at ease, his presence disrupting the cold, tense atmosphere of the room.

Devillian’s eyes flicked up from the paper, his gaze darkening with irritation. His voice was as cold as ice when he spoke. “How many times have I told you to knock before entering?”

The man across from him, completely unfazed by the sharp tone, simply smirked. “I’ve lost count.”

It was Lorenzo, his best friend since their school days. The only man in the world who had the audacity to walk into Devillian’s personal space without fear of the consequences. Anyone else would have been dealt with harshly for such disrespect. But Lorenzo? He was the exception. He had always been, ever since they were kids.

Devillian let out a low, irritated sigh and set the document aside. “One day, Lorenzo, that habit of yours will get you killed.”

Lorenzo leaned back in his chair, arms casually crossed behind his head. “Maybe. But not today.” He flashed a grin, knowing full well he was the only one who could push Devillian’s buttons and get away with it. “Besides, you’d miss me if I wasn’t around to annoy you.”

Devillian's eyes narrowed slightly, but there was a ghost of amusement in them, hidden behind his ever-stoic mask. He shook his head and leaned back in his own chair, his powerful, calculating mind already shifting back to business. “What do you want?”

Lorenzo's grin faded slightly, his tone turning more serious. “Just checking in. Making sure you’re not losing yourself in work, as usual.”

Lorenzo’s casual grin faded as his gaze drifted across the desk, landing on a particular file that stood out. Unlike the usual business contracts, numbers, and transaction records Devillian surrounded himself with, this one was different. The paper sticking out wasn’t marked with corporate logos or cold business data. It had a different feel—personal, almost.

Curiosity piqued, Lorenzo reached for the file, his hand hovering just above it when Devillian’s voice, sharp and cold, cut through the air like a blade. “Don’t.”

But Lorenzo, being Lorenzo, ignored the warning and snatched the file up before Devillian could react. He quickly flipped it open, his eyes scanning the first page. The name “Siana Aydin” stood out in bold letters, along with detailed updates, notes, and photographs attached. Lorenzo’s brow furrowed, and his mouth dropped open in disbelief as he took in the information.

“Wait... this is about a girl?” Lorenzo muttered in shock, his eyes darting from the file to Devillian’s cold expression. “Devillian Giordano—the Devillian—has a file on a girl? Did hell freeze over?”

Devillian’s jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing into slits as he shot a lethal glare at his friend. “Lorenzo, put it down,” he said, his voice dangerously low.

But Lorenzo was too stunned to listen. He glanced back at the file, flipping through the pages. “You’re actually interested in a girl?” he continued, his disbelief palpable. “This isn’t about some business deal or enemy, is it? No... this is personal. Siana Aydin. Who is she?”

Devillian remained silent, his gaze cold and unyielding, but there was a subtle tension in his posture that Lorenzo hadn’t seen before. Something had changed in his old friend, and this file—this girl—was at the center of it.

Lorenzo couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Devillian, the man who had always treated people like chess pieces, never showing interest in anything or anyone that wasn’t related to power or control, had a file on a woman. And not just any woman. A girl who seemed to have gotten under his skin. This was impossible.

“Dev,” Lorenzo started, his tone more serious now, “this isn’t like you. What’s going on with this Siana?”

Devillian's icy stare didn’t waver, but his voice was calm, a dangerous edge lurking beneath. “Put the file down, Lorenzo. Now.”

Lorenzo hesitated, seeing something in Devillian’s eyes that he’d never seen before—a flicker of something unsettling. Slowly, he placed the file back on the desk, but his mind was racing. Whoever this Siana Aydin was, she had stirred something inside Devillian. Something that Lorenzo never thought he’d see in the most feared, controlled man he knew.

“Well,” Lorenzo finally said, breaking the tense silence, “looks like things just got a lot more interesting.”

Devillian's eyes flicked back to the paperwork in front of him, his expression unreadable as he deliberately ignored Lorenzo’s lingering presence. The tense silence filled the room, but Lorenzo wasn’t the type to be put off so easily. His curiosity had been piqued, and now that he had a glimpse of something as unusual as Devillian taking interest in a woman, there was no way he’d let it go.

Leaning forward, Lorenzo smirked. “So, Dev, you gonna tell me what’s going on, or should I start guessing?” He drummed his fingers on the armrest, watching his friend closely.

Devillian didn’t bother to look up, his focus seemingly back on the file before him. “Don’t you have anything better to do, Lorenzo?” His tone was cold, dismissive, but Lorenzo knew him too well. He could sense the irritation, the shift in Devillian’s usual unshakable demeanor.

“Better? Probably. But nothing more interesting,” Lorenzo said, leaning back in his chair with a cocky grin. “I mean, a file on a girl? Siana Aydin? Who is she? What’s the deal here? Are we talking business? Or something... more personal?”

Devillian’s fingers tightened slightly around the pen in his hand, the only outward sign of his annoyance. “Drop it, Lorenzo.”

But Lorenzo had no intention of dropping it. He was like a dog with a bone. “Come on, man, it’s me. I’ve known you since we were kids, and I’ve never seen you take an interest in anyone outside of business or the underworld. What makes her so special?”

Devillian’s eyes snapped up then, his gaze so sharp and cold that most people would have been frozen in place. But Lorenzo wasn’t most people.

“It’s none of your concern,” Devillian said icily. His voice was calm, but there was a clear warning in his tone. “Stay out of it.”

Lorenzo raised his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay, I get it—‘stay out of it.’ But man, you have to admit, this is a little strange. You, of all people, watching a girl. And not just watching—keeping tabs on her. That’s... not your style.”

Devillian's gaze darkened, and for a moment, the room felt even colder. Lorenzo, sensing he was treading on thin ice, tried a different approach. “Look, I’m just saying—if this girl means something to you, maybe you should talk about it. I mean, it’s not like you to—”

“I said drop it,” Devillian cut him off, his voice dropping to a lethal tone that made it clear the conversation was over.

Lorenzo sighed, leaning back in his chair again. “Alright, alright. I’ll drop it—for now.” But his mind was still racing with questions. The fact that someone had gotten under Devillian’s skin, especially someone as seemingly innocent as Siana Aydin, was something he couldn’t easily shake.

As he stood up, preparing to leave, Lorenzo couldn’t resist one last comment. “Just remember, Dev—curiosity killed the cat. But in your case, it’s the curiosity that’s going to be the death of me.”

Devillian didn’t respond, his attention already back on his work, but Lorenzo knew this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.


Siana stood in the brightly lit photoshoot area of Balleza, feeling slightly nervous but determined to give her best. She struck a pose as the camera clicked away, the photographer guiding her through the process with encouraging words. It was still surreal to her, standing in the spotlight, doing something she’d never imagined herself doing.

Suddenly, the door to the studio clicked open, and the sound of high heels echoed across the room. Siana paused briefly, glancing over as a tall, striking woman entered with an air of confidence that demanded attention. The woman was none other than Katherine Montgomery, a famous supermodel who had graced countless magazine covers. Even Siana, who wasn’t deeply involved in the fashion world, was awestruck seeing her in person.

Katherine walked with purpose, her chin held high, exuding the kind of poise that only someone at the top of their game could. She made her way straight to the photographer, her sharp gaze scanning the room as if she were looking for something—or someone.

“Who’s the new model?” Katherine asked coolly, her voice carrying an edge.

The photographer, caught slightly off guard by her sudden presence, glanced in Siana’s direction and nodded. “That’s her. Siana Aydin.”

Katherine’s eyes narrowed as she turned toward Siana, looking her up and down with an indifferent, almost critical expression. Siana, noticing the intense stare, frowned slightly in confusion. She had no idea why this woman was looking at her like that. She had admired Katherine for her career, but the cold reception was unexpected.

Katherine crossed her arms, her posture stiff, and her eyes narrowed as if measuring Siana up. Siana stood still, feeling the tension rise but unsure of how to react. The air between them was thick with unspoken words, and Siana could sense that this was about more than just a casual meeting.

What Siana didn’t know was that Katherine had been signed as the face of Balleza before her. Katherine had been excited about the deal, especially because it was an opportunity to meet Devillian Giordano, the elusive owner of the brand. Katherine had been vying for his attention, and she had seen this role as her chance to get close to him. But then Siana came along, and she had been replaced, without so much as a formal explanation.

Now, seeing Siana—someone so new to the world she had dominated—standing in the spotlight she thought belonged to her, stirred resentment in Katherine’s chest. She couldn’t help but wonder what had made Siana so special, what had made Devillian replace her without hesitation.

With her emotions masked behind a cool facade, Katherine gave Siana a tight, almost forced smile. “Good luck,” she said, her tone clipped but polite enough to not cause a scene.

Siana, sensing the tension but not fully understanding it, smiled politely back. “Thanks.”

Katherine’s eyes lingered on her for another moment before she turned and walked out, her heels clicking loudly on the floor. Siana’s frown deepened, still puzzled by the strange encounter. Something about Katherine’s demeanor had been off—cold and distant, almost as if she was sizing Siana up for something more than just a photoshoot.

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