The launch party 2

The party is going on with full flow and hustle bustle, with celebrities clattering their champagne classes while soft laughter echoing through the hall. In the middle of that Ethan Cade, despite his usual confidence, felt the weight of the moment as he adjusted his tie and took a deep breath. His heart raced, but he forced a charming smile onto his face. He knew this was his shot. In the music industry, talent was essential, but connections could propel a career to unimaginable heights. And if there was one man who could catapult him into legendary status, it was Devillian Giordano.

Devillian didn’t endorse artists. He didn’t promote brands. He was far too powerful to be swayed by the typical allure of fame. But Ethan was determined to try. If he could just make a compelling case, maybe—just maybe—Devillian would see something in him worth backing. Ethan had seen firsthand how people fawned over Devillian, practically begging for his attention, and he knew the odds were slim. But the potential reward was too great to pass up.

"Alright, Ethan," he muttered to himself quietly as he walked. "You've got this."

He excused himself from Siana, before siana could respond he with a quick smile and made his way through the crowd toward the infamous tycoon. Each step felt heavier as the distance between them closed, and Ethan found himself mentally rehearsing what he’d say. He knew that whatever he offered would need to stand out, something fresh, bold—something that could catch the eye of someone like Devillian Giordano.

As he approached, he noticed the quiet aura that surrounded Devillian—an invisible barrier that kept others at a distance. His dark, commanding gaze flickered briefly over those in the room, as if assessing the worth of each individual without a word.

Ethan swallowed, feeling his nerves tighten. But he didn’t let them show. When he finally stood before Devillian, he squared his shoulders and greeted him, forcing his charm into his tone.

“Mr. Giordano, good evening. I’ve been looking forward to the chance to speak with you.” Ethan’s voice was steady, though he could feel the weight of Devillian’s piercing gaze on him.

Devillian glanced at him briefly, his expression as unreadable as ever. He offered no response, just a slight nod, acknowledging Ethan’s presence without giving much away.

Undeterred, Ethan continued. “I know you don’t usually get involved in promotions, but I think there’s something you’d want to consider. My music—it's different. I’m pushing boundaries, and I believe someone of your stature would appreciate that innovation.”

Devillian’s gaze darkened ever so slightly, but he remained silent. The stillness in the air grew more intense, and Ethan suddenly felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff.

Ethan took a breath, pressing forward. “I’m not asking for a traditional promotion. Just a partnership—something that could benefit both of us. I’m confident that with your backing, we could do something revolutionary.”

For a moment, the silence hung between them, and Ethan wondered if he had pushed too far. But Devillian’s face remained impassive, his eyes cold and calculating as they studied Ethan, as if weighing his worth in a single glance.

Finally, Devillian spoke, his voice low and deliberate. “I don’t do partnerships.”

Ethan’s heart sank slightly, but before he could respond, Devillian’s gaze locked onto him with an intensity that was almost suffocating. “Success comes to those who earn it. Not to those who seek shortcuts.”

With that, Devillian turned away, his disinterest evident.

Ethan felt the sting of rejection. He felt so small in front of devillian, he used to being recognised and swooning over by his admirers, but a single interaction with Devillian made him feel like he is just a fetus.Devillian had made his stance clear, and for now, the answer was no. But Ethan wasn’t one to give up easily. He straightened himself again, forcing a smile as he nodded politely and backed away, knowing that this wasn’t the end.

As he returned to the crowd, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of standing before an immovable force. Devillian Giordano wasn’t just powerful—he was untouchable. And if Ethan wanted his approval, he’d have to find another way to earn it.


Ashleen, eyes wide with excitement, spotted Devillian across the room, standing tall and commanding as ever. Her heart raced as a mischievous grin spread across her face. She couldn’t believe her luck—another chance to see the elusive Devillian up close, and this time, she wasn’t about to let Siana slip away without making an impression.

Quickly, she scanned the crowd and found Siana talking with a few others, oblivious to the excitement Ashleen was brewing. Without wasting a second, Ashleen marched over, her excitement bubbling over. Grabbing Siana by the wrist, she yanked her friend out of the conversation, leaving everyone in their wake confused.

“Wha—Ashleen! What are you doing?” Siana yelped, stumbling as Ashleen pulled her forward, her eyes wide in shock.

“No time to explain!” Ashleen whispered in a rush, her grip firm as she navigated through the crowd like a woman on a mission. “We have to go. Now.”

Siana’s confusion only grew as she tried to dig her heels in, but Ashleen was too determined. “Go where? Ash, seriously, what are you—”

“Shhh!” Ashleen interrupted, her excitement barely contained. “We’re going to say hi to him!”

Siana’s eyes widened in realization, and she shot a panicked look in the direction they were headed. “Wait—what? No, no, no. You’re not serious. You’re not dragging me over there!”

“Oh, I absolutely am,” Ashleen said, grinning like a kid on Christmas. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Sia! We can’t just let it go!”

Siana's heart raced, her pulse quickening as she glanced ahead to where Devillian stood, surrounded by an air of power that made the space around him feel heavy. "Ash, this is a terrible idea. What am I supposed to say to him?"

Ashleen, undeterred by Siana's protests, shook her head. "Exactly! You can tell him that you are the new face of balleza whom he have met during the time you have signed the contract, and who knows? Maybe he'll be intrigued!" she teased, her grin wide and playful.

Siana's face turned a deep shade of red. "Ashleen, no. You can't just—"

But it was too late. They were already nearing Devillian, and Siana could feel the weight of his presence like a thick fog wrapping around her. The man exuded an aura so intense it was suffocating. Her feet felt heavy, as if they were betraying her by moving closer to him.

Ashleen, still oblivious to Siana’s inner panic, gave her friend a final nudge. “Come on, just relax! What's the worst that could happen?”

As they got closer, Siana’s breath hitched. She could feel the dangerous energy emanating from Devillian, the intensity of his gaze that seemed to pierce through everything. She shot a desperate look at Ashleen, but her friend was already too far gone in her excitement.

Devillian stood with his back to the crowd, his sharp senses always on alert despite his outward calm. The weight of his authority loomed large in the room, and few dared to approach him. His thoughts were momentarily lost in the negotiations he had completed earlier with few elite tycoons when he heard a voice call out behind him.

“Mr. Giordano.”

It was a clear, confident voice, but it didn’t belong to anyone in his immediate circle. Slowly, he turned around, his dark eyes scanning the faces in front of him with calculated indifference. And then, his gaze fell on them.

The first girl he didn’t recognize. But the one standing beside her—his eyes narrowed slightly, the briefest flicker of surprise crossing his otherwise unreadable face. It was her. The girl who had been occupying his thoughts more than he cared to admit. Siana Aydin.

Her presence stirred something unnameable inside him, a tension that made the air feel heavier. His jaw clenched slightly as he observed her, remembering the way her scent had clung to his senses, the way her touch had lingered in his mind like a stubborn whisper he couldn’t silence.

Ashleen, beaming with excitement and oblivious to the subtle tension, gave a polite but eager smile. "I hope we're not disturbing you, Mr. Giordano. I just thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves properly. This is Siana, the new face of Balleza, and my best friend."

Siana froze, her nerves sparking under his intense gaze. She could feel the weight of his attention pressing down on her, as though he could see through the calm facade she was trying so hard to maintain. The power of his presence was overwhelming, and she didn’t know if she was more nervous or... something else entirely.

Devillian’s eyes didn’t waver from Siana, a storm of unspoken thoughts brewing behind them. He nodded curtly at Ashleen, but his focus remained locked on Siana. She felt like she was being dissected under his gaze, as if he was trying to unravel every secret she held without saying a word.

Siana, fighting the urge to fidget, forced a polite smile and extended her hand. "Mr. Giordano," she said, trying to keep her voice steady, "it's an honor to meet you again."

Devillian reached out, taking her hand in his, the touch electric, sending an involuntary shiver through her. His grip was firm, commanding. "Miss Aydin," he said smoothly, his voice low and firm, "I believe we’ve crossed paths before."

His eyes flickered with recognition, but there was something dangerous there, lurking just beneath the surface, as if he was remembering far more than he let on.

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