The first conversation

As they were standing in front of devillian, Ashleen’s eyes gleamed with mischief as an idea sparked in her mind. What if Siana got shipped with Devillian Giordano—the Greek god himself? The thought thrilled her, and she could barely contain her excitement. Without warning, she leaned over to Siana and whispered, “I’ll be right back, okay?”

Before Siana could protest, Ashleen had already made her escape, leaving her alone with Devillian. Siana’s eyes widened in panic as she watched her best friend disappear into the crowd, abandoning her in the most awkward situation possible.

Her heart raced, and she suddenly felt very small standing next to the imposing figure of Devillian. His unreadable eyes were fixed on her, as if assessing her every movement. She could feel the weight of his gaze, like he was silently observing, dissecting her every action.

Siana shifted awkwardly, glancing around, wondering if it would be rude to excuse herself. But something about his presence rooted her to the spot. She didn’t want to appear impolite, but the silence between them was suffocating.

Devillian, on the other hand, was simply standing there, observing her. He still hadn’t fully registered why this clumsy, ordinary girl kept crossing his path. She was different from the women who usually sought his attention—those who were polished, manipulative, and calculated. Siana seemed… almost naïve. But something about her innocence and straightforwardness piqued his curiosity, even if he hadn’t quite realized it yet.

“You don’t have to look so uncomfortable,” Devillian finally spoke, his voice low and controlled, pulling her out of her frantic thoughts.

Siana blinked up at him, her nerves still a jumble. “I—uh, I’m not uncomfortable,” she lied, her voice a little too high-pitched to be convincing.

Devillian raised a brow, clearly seeing through her. "You are," he stated flatly, but there was no mockery in his tone—just observation.

Siana bit her lip, feeling foolish for being so transparent. What was she supposed to say to someone like him? His aura was so intense, so intimidating, and she felt out of place in this conversation. Should she leave? Would that be rude? Was there a right way to escape from a man like Devillian Giordano?

Before she could respond, Devillian spoke again, his gaze unwavering. “You don’t strike me as someone who enjoys this kind of attention.”

Siana blinked, momentarily thrown off by his statement. “I… I don’t,” she admitted quietly. “It’s just a bit overwhelming, I guess.”

His expression didn’t change, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—interest, perhaps? “Then why did you agree to be the face of Balleza?”

She paused, trying to find the words. “I didn’t really seek it out. It just... happened,” she said, her voice trailing off as she realized how ridiculous that sounded in front of a man like him, who controlled everything in his world.

Devillian nodded, as if understanding more than he let on. “Things don’t just happen,” he replied, his voice edged with authority. “You were chosen. And now you’re here.”

Siana swallowed, suddenly feeling the weight of what he was saying. She didn’t know how to respond, but she could feel the pull of his presence, the way his words seemed to have a deeper meaning she couldn’t quite grasp.

And yet, despite the overwhelming pressure, there was something about his attention that made her want to stand her ground.

As Siana stood there, trying to gather herself under Devillian’s intense gaze, her eyes suddenly flickered toward the entrance of the ballroom. A tall, well-dressed man walked in, and her heart skipped a beat. It was Cade Civil, the actor who had been her childhood crush for as long as she could remember.

Her eyes widened in excitement, and for a moment, all the tension and awkwardness of standing next to Devillian vanished. She couldn’t help but stare as Cade greeted the other guests with his easy charm, the kind of charisma that had made him a household name.

Cade Civil is here! In the same room! Siana’s mind raced with excitement and disbelief. She’d watched all his movies, had posters of him on her walls as a teenager, and now, here he was, in real life. The childhood version of herself would have screamed with joy.

Devillian noticed the sudden shift in her demeanor, his sharp eyes catching the way her attention snapped away from him and locked onto the celebrity. He followed her gaze to Cade Civil, recognizing the actor with a slight frown. His jaw clenched ever so slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face as Siana’s enthusiasm for another man became evident.

“You seem... distracted,” Devillian remarked coldly, his deep voice snapping her out of her starstruck daze.

Siana blinked, suddenly aware of her surroundings again and the fact that she was still standing next to one of the most powerful men in the room. “Oh, um, sorry!” she stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “It’s just... I’ve been a fan of Cade Civil since I was a kid.”

Devillian’s expression didn’t soften, though there was a subtle tension in his eyes. “Is that so?” His voice was smooth, but there was an unmistakable edge to it, as if the idea of her admiration for someone else irritated him in some way he couldn’t quite explain.

Siana nodded, still caught in her excitement, oblivious to the shift in his mood. “Yeah! I can’t believe he’s actually here. It’s surreal.”

Devillian said nothing, but his gaze lingered on her, studying her reaction. He didn’t quite understand why it irked him to see her so enthralled by another man—someone who, in his mind, was nothing more than a shallow celebrity. But seeing the way Siana’s eyes lit up for someone else unsettled him in a way he couldn’t shake.

For the first time that evening, Devillian felt something he hadn’t experienced in his life: a prick of irritation that wasn’t about business, power, or control. It was something far more personal. And that, more than anything, disturbed him.

As Cade Civil’s eyes locked on Devillian from across the room, he couldn’t believe his luck. This was the moment he had been waiting for—finally, a chance to meet the elusive Devillian Giordano. His heart raced with excitement, but there was also an undercurrent of nervousness. Devillian’s reputation preceded him: a man of power, influence, and an unshakable cold demeanor. Cade knew that getting on Devillian’s good side could change everything for him.

Cade had been trying for months to secure a meeting with the infamous Giordano, but all his efforts had been in vain. Now, here he was, at the very party hosted by the man himself. This wasn’t just a launch party for Balleza; this was a rare opportunity to align with the most feared and influential figure in the business world. If Cade could convince Devillian to back his production house, the doors to success would swing wide open.

He straightened his posture, taking a deep breath as he gathered his courage. As he walked toward Devillian, a mix of excitement and trepidation surged through him. This meeting could make or break his dreams. He couldn’t afford to mess it up.

Meanwhile, Siana, standing next to Devillian, noticed Cade approaching. Her heart did a little flip, excitement bubbling up inside her. Cade Civil, walking towards them! She straightened herself, trying to stay calm and collected, but the thrill of seeing her childhood crush up close was almost too much to handle.

Cade finally reached them, offering Devillian a respectful nod, masking his excitement with professionalism. “Mr. Giordano,” he greeted, his voice steady despite the rush of nerves beneath. “It’s an honor to finally meet you.”

Devillian’s cold, unreadable eyes shifted to Cade, taking in the actor’s enthusiasm with a detached air. He nodded in return but said nothing, his gaze cutting through the moment like a blade. There was no warmth in his demeanor, just the sheer force of his presence.

Cade, undeterred, continued, “I’ve admired your work and influence for a long time. I’ve been hoping for the chance to discuss a potential collaboration.”

Devillian’s expression remained stony, his gaze flickering briefly to Siana before settling back on Cade. “Collaboration?” he asked, his tone neutral but holding an undercurrent of curiosity.

“Yes,” Cade replied, a little more eagerly. “I’m planning to open my own production house. I believe that with your backing, it could become something monumental.”

Siana, caught between the two men, felt her excitement shift into a strange tension. She had never seen Devillian up close with another powerful figure before. The intensity of the moment was palpable. Devillian’s silent, commanding aura seemed to dwarf Cade’s enthusiasm, and she wondered how Cade would fare under his scrutiny.

Devillian’s eyes narrowed slightly as he processed Cade’s words, his mind already weighing the possibilities. He knew a production house could be lucrative, but he wasn’t one to be easily swayed. Power came to those who earned it, not those who begged for it. His silence stretched out, and Cade shifted nervously under the pressure, waiting for Devillian’s response.

After what felt like an eternity, Devillian spoke, his voice low and measured. “I’ll consider it,” he said, though his tone suggested that his decision was far from made.

Cade’s face lit up with hope, though he tried to remain composed. “Thank you, Mr. Giordano. I appreciate the opportunity.”

Devillian gave a curt nod, his attention already drifting elsewhere. Siana could feel the shift in his mood as if his interest in the conversation had already waned. Cade, sensing the same, offered a polite nod to Siana before excusing himself.

As Cade walked away, Siana felt a mix of emotions—excitement at meeting her childhood crush, but also a strange unease at the way Devillian had handled the conversation. He remained an enigma, his presence both captivating and unsettling. She couldn’t shake the feeling that beneath his cold exterior, something much darker simmered beneath the surface.

Siana’s eyes lingered on Cade Civil as he walked away, a disappointed pout forming on her lips. She had been so excited to finally meet him, her childhood crush, but when the moment came, her nervousness had swallowed her words. She fidgeted slightly, annoyed at herself for not seizing the opportunity to talk to him.

Her thoughts swirled with regret, imagining the conversation she could have had. I could’ve at least said something, she thought, her fingers fiddling with the stem of her champagne glass. What was I so scared of?

Devillian, still standing next to her, quietly observed her reaction out of the corner of his eye. Though his expression remained indifferent, a strange flicker of something stirred within him as he noticed the subtle disappointment on her face. It was unfamiliar to him—this irritation at seeing her so affected by someone else. His jaw tightened almost imperceptibly, but he said nothing, watching as her gaze stayed locked on the retreating figure of Cade Civil.

Finally, Siana let out a soft sigh, tearing her eyes away from Cade. She shook her head at herself, trying to brush off the disappointment.

A thought crossed Siana’s mind as she recalled how Cade had spoken to Devillian, the way he had been so eager to impress him. Even though Devillian’s intimidating presence always left her feeling uneasy, she realized this could be her chance to talk to her childhood crush. If Cade admired Devillian so much, perhaps she could use this connection to strike up a conversation with him later.

Clearing her throat softly, Siana glanced at Devillian and mustered a sweet smile, despite her nerves. “Mr. Giordano,” she began, her voice light but steady, “it seems like Cade Civil really respects you. You must have quite the influence in many circles.” She hoped to flatter him just enough to keep his attention, all the while planning how she could use this to her advantage.

Devillian’s cold gaze shifted to her, his expression unreadable. He hadn’t expected her to initiate a conversation, and the sweetness in her tone contrasted sharply with the quiet tension she usually exuded around him. He studied her for a moment, sensing that there was more behind her smile than just idle curiosity.

"People value power," he said, his voice low and deliberate. “They think aligning with me will bring them success.” There was a flicker of amusement in his eyes, but it was as fleeting as a shadow.

Siana nodded, trying to appear more confident than she felt. “I imagine it must be exhausting, having everyone want something from you,” she said, subtly steering the conversation. “It seems Cade Civil is no exception. He was really hoping to work with you.”

Devillian raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her sudden shift in demeanor. “You’re interested in Cade Civil,” he stated, his voice calm but edged with something she couldn’t quite place.

Siana felt her cheeks warm slightly but kept her smile in place. “Well, I’ve admired his work for a long time,” she admitted, her tone casual. “But it’s not every day you get to meet someone like him.” She paused for a moment, then added, “Or someone like you, for that matter.”

Devillian’s gaze didn’t waver, but there was something in his eyes—something calculating. He could see through her attempt to use him as a bridge to Cade, yet he found it strangely amusing. Still, he remained silent, waiting to see what she would do next.

Siana, sensing that she needed to tread carefully, smiled again, hoping her plan would work. “Maybe you could introduce us properly later,” she suggested, her voice soft but hopeful. “I didn’t get a chance to speak to him earlier.”

Devillian’s lips twitched slightly, though it wasn’t quite a smile. “Perhaps,” he said, his tone neutral. “But be careful what you wish for, Miss Aydin. People like Cade Civil... and people like me... don’t always turn out the way you expect.”

Siana blinked, momentarily thrown off by his cryptic words, but she held his gaze. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said, her voice steady despite the sudden chill that ran down her spine.

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